Manage Solution

Power of Convergence

We are breaking new ground in using DevOps, enabling our strategy to deliver higher-quality applications and services faster and economically. The convergence of Dev & Ops increases the overall robustness of the software, especially in production. In addition, knowing the release cycle and having access to real-time monitoring allows us to have short response times to fix potential problems.

Automate risk reduction

By taking advantage of modern CI/CD tooling and technology stack, we can increase revenue and productivity by employing the right pipeline strategy that fits your needs. Our proposed CI/CD automation provides numerous opportunities, from defining metrics for reproducible regression testing to reusable containers for improved scalability, robustness, and platform-independent execution.

Become lean to be fast

We can ensure that information and actions flow efficiently by employing a lean continuous improvement approach to reduce interruptions, delays, and bottlenecks. Our incident management system allows us to have a fast feedback cycle, short timespans for releasing new features, and reaction times of mere hours between a critical bug report and a hotfix deployment.

Codify infrastructure

Dealing with infrastructure as if it were code can be introduced into the same lifecycle as the application itself, which means handled by the same tools and included in the same processes. This reduces overhead and allows us to improve robustness and scalability and achieve high automatization.

As the gold standard for independent services, Cloud-native helps us to provision instances with clear, single responsibilities to achieve an exceptionally high level of scalability, extendibility and automation.

Standing watch

We build resilience by gaining insights into services, infrastructure, and application performance. Through monitoring, we quickly uncover bottlenecks and vulnerabilities before they can interrupt operations or impact the user experience. By analyzing the logs generated by applications, services, and infrastructure, we better understand how the performance affects the users, especially during changes or updates. Monitoring systems are becoming more critical as we transition towards a 24/7 uptime model with frequent small deployments. A fast reaction time to uncovering, understanding, and fixing any volatilities must be given.

Standing guard

New threats appear daily, and it is crucial to stay up-to-date and wary. Exploitable security holes come in different forms, from dependencies such as libraries, operating systems, or bugs in the application code itself. Investing significant resources to keep systems up to date and have a rapid reaction time in an emergency is crucial. An equally important part is secret management, which has become the cause of many breaches in recent years. With our expertise, modern tooling, investment and security-oriented processes, we can assure a hardened platform that protects you from malicious intent.

Stefan Körner


To find out more, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Stefan Körner

Head of Managed Services
Frankfurt a. M.
Request a meeting
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